Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011 - An Unexpected Work Day
Rented the executive Boardroom in the Embassy and spent the afternoon working with our client there. It was a good session, and again he felt he got his money’s worth out of it. Afterward, now completely finished with work, we hit the bar in earnest. We’ll get back to teatotalling it when we get home, but for now, the booze is free! After a drink, we headed out to a nice little Indian restaurant we found, have a perfectly delightful meal, bringing home plenty of leftovers fro tomorrow. We even went back to the bar for a nightcap, even though it wasn’t free anymore. Another packed yet fun-filled day!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011 - Advanced Workshop Day Two
Had another productive day, everyone made great advanced and seemed pleased, apparently getting out of it what they had hoped to get. Tried some other things a bit differently, and they all worked great with this group. Might not with everyone, but certainly did with this group. At the end of the day, one of the attendees, who is about to go into court, asked us if we would consider spending some time with him tomorrow. We agreed on a rate and time, and set off to happy hour at the managers reception. Nice to get the work, but I was kind of ready to crash but work comes first, I can always crash later!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - Advanced Workshop Day One
Reacquainted ourselves with our former students for the advanced workshop (though one had just been through the basic camp, not something we usually allow but had slipped through the cracks on the other end), and got to work. My friend Steve also came to the class, as he continues on his training to becoming a possible surrogate teacher eventually. Again, a very productive and energizing day. Had dinner with Steve and our seminar planner, though Hubby begged off, still tired from the recent trials. We ended up going to the Kobe Steakhouse, one of those Japanese Hibachi chef in your face places. It was enjoyable, though again, I kept my intake to a minimum. Figured maybe if I lost a few pounds as a result of last weeks food poisoning, I should try to keep it off! It was a good time anyway, sorry Hubby missed it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - Basic Workshop Day Two
Another good day in the workshop. We recently changed a few things about how it is conducted, which gives everyone a chance to get up twice, which has been about the only improvement that had been suggested by previous attendees, and it seemed to go over well. This time we did go out with our seminar planner to Uno’s across the street, and we both had small meals just to keep our systems straight. A good day, a good training camp.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011 - Basic Workshop Day One
Slept like a rock (though I had to put in earplugs to block out the traffic noise from I-4 right next door), woke up feeling better than I had in days. We went downstairs for the free hot breakfast, then went to work. It was an excellent class, with a very attentive and involved group, and I almost made it through the day unscathed, though in the last hour or so I was starting to flag. Usually I can boost myself up to a higher level when that starts to happen, but I just didn’t have the reserves this time. Nevertheless the group remained involved till the very end of the day. Hubby and I were both so exhausted, though, we had to postpone our usual dinner with our seminar planner, had another bowl of soup and were in bed even earlier.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011 - Move to Embassy Suites Jamaican Court
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Embassy Atrium |
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011 - Florida Straw Poll-Very Exciting!
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Worst Lighting Ever |
Friday, September 23, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011 - Food Poisoning!! Still had to work!
Woke up to a very strange feeling, then discovered that before I could even move, I had an attack of awful diarrhea. It was terrible! My stomach was upset, I had to keep making trips to the bathroom with a towel in my hand, cramps, just plain feeling terrible!. Turned out Hubby had the same thing, though not quite as bad. Obviously, it was the soup. We had to stay in the room all morning just to recover enough to get dressed and go downstairs to the gift shop to buy Pepto Bismol. We both felt awful. The PB helped after awhile, and we finally managed to get dressed in our work clothes and go meet our client for a short while, but it was tricky making sure that we were never far from a bathroom. Nothing worse than a bout of food poisoning! We managed to get some food down eventually, but soup was definitely off the menu! At one point, Hubby noticed that a woman at the grill poured tap water into the soup on the warmer, without heating it back up to a boil, which explains to me how the food poisoning developed! My mamma taught me that when I was just a kid! How can something like that happen? Hard to imagine in this day and age. Anyway, we survived the day, but were completely wrung out by the evening, happy to crawl back in bed with another dose of Pepto.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011 - Work with Client Day
Met up with our client at a room in the Peabody across the street for several hours, preparing him for several presentations he would be making throughout the weekend. Smart guy, picks up things fast, it’s a pleasure to work with him. Stopped for ice cream on our way back to the hotel. In the evening, we decided to go downstairs for some soup, and discovered that the Cafe was only serving off the buffet, and to get $3 soup we needed to pay for the $9.99 Soup and Salad Buffet! Crazy, but they wouldn’t separate it. So we ended up going to the grill in the lobby and got two bowls of chicken noodle soup. After that we headed out to the Convention Center to attend the Fox News Republican Presidential Debate, which our client was kind enough to arrange for us. I don’t know who was managing the house, but it was one of the worse jobs I’ve ever seen. They had an entire area of about 200 seats cordoned off for "VIP’s" but only about a dozen of them were used. When the order was finally given to open that section to the public, a mad crush of people surged in like a dam bursting. People were going crazy climbing over chairs and running down aisles. People came in from both sides, so many were fighting over seats in the middle. It was nuts, and it’s a miracle someone didn’t get hurt. I don’t know whose genius idea that was, but they should be fired. It’s outrageous, and yet we see that kind of thing all the time, amateurs in charge of events they have no business being in charge of. Anyway, we survived it, and ended up enjoying the debate and the rest of the evening. Not impressed with most of the candidates these days, seriously wondering what kind of chance a Republican has against Obama if this is the best we can do. Eventually headed back to the hotel and off to bed anticipating we would be working with our client again tomorrow, at least for a short time.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - Travel Day to Orlando
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New Backyard in Orlando |
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - Vet Day for Marina
With Marina still limping heavily, we decided to run her over to our hostess’ vet, and they were kind enough to fit her in. The diagnosis is still arthritis, so an anti-inflammatory was prescribed, something else our hostess will have to do in our absence, unfortunately. She’s perfectly capable, of course, I just hate to keep piling stuff on her to do, what with giving Apollo his allergy meds, not Marina more pills. Nothing we can do at this point, however, we just have too many things going on right now!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011 - Lunch with a Friend
Joined a friend we made at the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul at a lovely Indian restaurant, and got caught up as much as we could over a two hour lunch. Looking forward to working with her again in Tampa, assuming we get asked back again. We won’t know till probably January, but it looks as promising as it ever does. After all, we have been doing them since 1992! But it’s never good to count one’s chickens before they’re hatched...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011 - Shopping Day
Decided we needed a few things for our lengthy stay in Orlando, so we spent the day shopping, mostly for clothes. Not entirely successful, but did manage to find a couple of things that will be useful. Everything on every rack in every store at a mall just looks the same to me, and if I don’t like what the "designers" have decided is "in" this season, I’m out of luck. Not much available in a classic look, which is definitely more my style, but we’re planning on being in NYC in a few weeks, maybe I’ll have some more choices there (though I’m not counting on it.)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011 - Change of Plans Day
Rec’d an email from our new client in Jacksonville, FL. He has an event in Orlando the week before our already scheduled training event, and has asked us to come in a few days early to work with him, so I spent the day changing our flight, arranging accommodations and a car rental, and generally working on logistics. Hubby looked for a problem with the wiring on the vehicles, when we arrived the brake lights and one side of the turn signals on the RV weren’t working properly, so he tried to narrow it down. It seems it’s not the RV, it’s the truck, so that will need fixing before we leave Rhode Island. It’s always something, but at least it’s not like having a whole house to look after! Glad to have another job, though, it’s always a good thing!
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Rhode Island Sunset |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011 - Sort out the Animals
Well, it seems that the horses had a few problems while we were gone. Apollo is apparently allergic to some weed that’s heavy in his field, his nose is running like a kid with a bad cold, and Clio’s back fetlock is swollen and has a few abrasions on it, as though she got kicked or it got caught on something. We took a trip to the pharmacy and got some allergy pills that our hostess said would do the trick for Apollo, and decided to keep them both inside for a few days to recover. Nothing serious, just something to keep an eye on. Dogs are doing great, though Marina’s limp seems to be getting worse, I’m finding it hard to believe it’s just arthritis. It really does look like an injury that’s just not healing properly. Again, we’ll keep an eye on her to see what’s going on.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011 - Travel Day to Providence
Today was the first day the weather was too cold and rainy to drive the Mustang with the top down, but we were thankful for the many good days we had with this little red guy. Lots of fun! Other than an hour delay in our departure and arrival, it was an uneventful flight back to Providence from Nashville, though the parking bill at the airport was outrageous. Raining a bit here as well, and the temps have dropped somewhat, to be expected at this time of year. Thoroughly exhausted, can see us crashing for several days!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - Log Splitting Day
After finally having a pretty good night’s sleep, I decided I couldn’t stand looking the the remnants of a very large oak tree that we had cut down before we left on this madcap adventur more nearly 20 months ago, so I prodded Hubby into helping me split huge logs that had been sitting in the yard all this time. Unfortunately, he discovered a lead in the hydraulics on the tractor, which affected the front-end loader, so we couldn’t move it to where the logs were, so we had to hook the baby trailer to the back of the riding mower and lug the logs to the tractor in the pole barn. Some were just a tad too long to fit in the splitter, and many were so huge we had to struggle to get them in, but after a few hours we had a nice stack of well-seasoned firewood, and a cleaner yard than we had had for ages. It was a relief to get it done at last, though I’m not sure Hubby was as thrilled at getting the job done as I was... Hopefully the labor will make for a good night sleep! Did most of our packing in the evening in preparation for our flight back to Providence tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - Workshop for TN House Republican Caucus Retreat
Things got off to a bit later start than we had planned because other events were late, but the end result was a very productive workshop where we once again changed some minds about things. Looks like it might open some more doors for us. Once again we were invited to dinner at the restaurant for another enjoyable meal and more company now that they knew us, and with a glass or two of wine, what more could anyone ask of a work day?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011 - Reception at Tims Ford State Park
Still woke up without having a really good sleep, but without phones or internet, we relaxed a good part of the day, though I still had work on my computer to do. Then we headed down in the Mustang, with the top down, of course, to the restaurant and marina in Tims Ford State Park for a reception on a houseboat and dinner at the restaurant. Endless shrimp and good conversation made the enjoyable evening fly by. The trip seemed shorter again for some reason : -), probably because the top was down, and we got back in time for a good night sleep for our early start tomorrow.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011 - Rest Day
At least, it was supposed to be. Spent more time working than doing much of anything else, but did manage to squeeze in two movies we had rented yesterday. Feeling a bit tired, woke up before I got a really good deep sleep in.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011 - Travel Day
Headed out to the airport, this time O’Hare, to grab a quick flight to Nashville. Security lines were long, glad we gave ourselves lots of extra time. Had a nice breakfast at a roomy grill between terminals before jumping on an American flight. Didn’t take long before we were on the ground again in Nashville. Picked up our rental car at Alamo, where I uncharacteristically let the guy talk me into an upgrade (from a Toyota Corolla to a cherry red 2012 Ford Mustang convertible... What can I say, he made me the proverbial offer I couldn’t refuse : -), then headed out to do some shopping before getting home. My Mustang and I managed to shave about 20 minutes off the usual trip :-). It was fun, I do have to say that! Settled into a movie we had rented before crashing in bed, exhausted from the recent flurry of activity. Looking forward to a quiet day off tomorrow!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011 - Work Day
Again spent most of the day working with our client before walking over to a nice little Indian Restaurant for dinner.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - Travel Day to Chicago

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 - Packing and Settling In Day

Monday, September 5, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011 - Hay Pickup and Travel Day to Rhode Island
Woke up early to gray and rainy skies, but the radar showed that the rain was all west and north of where we would be picking up hay this morning in Waterville (south of Utica), but by the time we got there the rain was everywhere! We managed to get the pickup loaded with a nice fresh 20 bales at $2.50/bale, but since we couldn’t cover it well while driving, it got wet along the way. We kept hoping for a break as the morning radar had promised, but it didn’t come until we were already in Massachusetts. For about the last hour and a half, it stopped raining long enough to kind of dry the hay out a bit, but the rain was fast catching up to us, so we’d have to cover it again quick once we stopped. Arrived a few minutes late at Jock’s Horse Farm near Cranston, but Angela was waiting for us, and quickly directed us to where we needed to be. We agreed we would leave the horses in stalls in the barn for the night, then mix them with their respective herds in the morning. She has several large pastures, and she keeps one for mares and one for gentle geldings, while another on is reserved for the more rambunctious geldings. We put Apollo and Clio about 5 stalls away from each other, so there was some whinnying going on for a bit, but they could see each other when they stuck their heads out of the stalls, so they eventually quieted down. Should be interesting to see what happens tomorrow when they’re in separate pastures! That’s never happened before! The pastures are next to each other at one corner, so they’ll be able to see each other, and frankly, this is a good opportunity for them to go through at least a mini-weaning (I know, I know, but they’ve never had any reason to be apart before!). We set up the RV outside their out-barn, which was a good quarter mile from the house, so we would both have our privacy while still being accessible and in the midst of things. The concrete was slightly leaning for draining, so we had to prop up one side, particularly since there was a lot of rain in the forecast. The inside of the RV has gotten so wet in the past few weeks that it feels damp and musty inside, we definitely need a good drying and cleaning out! Hopefully we’ll have a chance before we leave on our next trip. Hubby decided not to try to get the satellite dish out since it was getting dark by the time we finished setting up, and we were fading fast due to the long hard drive in the rain, the early morning hour that we got up, the heavy lifting load the truck with hay, etc. One short movie off the PVR and we were ready for bed!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011 - Prep Day
Spent the day preparing for our trip tomorrow, driving to Rhode Island so that we can fly out of the conveniently located Providence Airport. Found a horse farm less than 10 miles away, so commuting will be easy, and it’s right next to an undeveloped state park that apparently has hours of trail-riding available in it. Tried to relax for the latter part of the day, as we have a busy week ahead of us. Rained most of the day, which made it harder to get packed up since we had to take stuff out of the van to pack, but otherwise an uneventful day.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Saturday, October 3, 2011 - Work Day
Slept REALLY late this morning, must have been all the exertion yesterday. Hubby got up about 10:00 to see to the horses, and let me sleep till 11:00 before calling me to breakfast. Must have needed it! Spent the rest of the day writing outlines and workbooks for our upcoming seminars, and doing other mundane but essential work. Warm today, and bit more humid, would have been a nice day for a ride, but I suspect the horses would have mutinied if we had tried to take them out today! I think my leg muscles would have done the same! Enjoyed chatting with our RV neighbors before settling in for a movie, then off to bed.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011 - Ride Day with Lunch at Trailside Again

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011 - Work Day
Spent the day working on the computer, doing bookkeeping and finalizing our arrangements for next week, while Hubby did a few chores, like repair the roof of the RV (a limb had torn out one of the luggage rack attachments), among other things.
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