Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 - Work/Rest/Rain Day

Spent the day working on the computer, resting, Hubby was reading, while it was a cloudy, windy and occasionally rainy day outside. Perfect timing, we needed the rest and if it had been sunny we probably would have made ourselves go riding again. This is a nice park, but it’s quite small and there wouldn’t have been anything new to see, so we were better off resting our bones for the day, and getting caught up on a lot of paperwork that’s been piling up. Moving on again tomorrow, though we’re only going to Little Manatee State Park, which is less than an hour away. Couldn’t get a reservation for the weekend, so we’re taking our chances on the overflow first-come, first-served horse camping area. I think we’ve camped there before a few years back, sans horses, but I’m not sure. Supposed to be about 12 miles of trails, so again, a small park, but that’s okay, I still have some paperwork I need to do preparing for taxes and other end of the year stuff, so we don’t need to ride every day.

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