Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012 - Hot Rest Day at Camp Cadiz

   Spent most of the day getting caught up on bookkeeping and blogging, as it was too hot to go riding today, mostly because we slept late and it was hot early. Hoping to get up earlier tomorrow to get a short ride in before it gets too hot. Nice to relax, though, even if we’re sweating in our recliners. The fans are going, and if it gets too bad, we can always pull out the second generator and run the A/C for awhile. I spent much of the day tending to some rashes I acquired in the last few days. I’ve never been allergic to anything before, and I’m not sure where this came from, but I suspect either I touched something poisonous when I was putting up a highline, and may our latest batch of hay had some poison ivy or something like that in there, as the rash has spread all the way up my arms along the inside, right where I would carry hay over to the horses. At least I have all of the remedies to hand, cold packs, calamine, Ivarest, Gold Bond (cream and powder), hydrocortisone, coal tar soap, aloe cream, our medicine cabinet is filled with anti-itching stuff, though it’s usually for Hubby, and it’s usually for bug bites. I’ve never had poison anything before, when I was a kid I could walk through poison ivy and never get a reaction, but I guess those days are gone! Disappointed to learn it may take as long as 3-4 weeks to clear up! Well, you can bet I’ll be on the lookout for those kinds of plants from now on! And to wear long-sleeved shirts when we ride narrow trails, though I hate to do that when it gets this hot. Better than these rashes, though, that’s for sure!

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