Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013 - Positively the Last Ride with Brother this Season

For the third time, my brother and I went for his "last ride of the season." This time it was a lovely day! Temps just right, just a light breeze, really enjoyable. This time we headed out back, crossing the canal into the Hungryland WMA which is just behind his house. Basically just a long straight grade, leading to a pavilion next to one of the most spectacular cypress trees you'd even want to see. If even looks like it was part of a building one, with concrete walls running through it. Anyway, Apollo was brilliant, not a moment's hesitation running down and up the steep grade on the canal bank. Almost no water at this point now, for some reason, barely a trickle here, though just up the canal it seems deeper than usual. Anyway, we had a nice ride, which was the point, and everyone (including the horses, of course!) had a good time.  We even saw a deer, which Jeff says he has never seen near his place, not in fifteen years!  So it was a special day all around.

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