Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013 - Travel Day to DCT Stables

Set the alarm for an early start, as we had some running around to do after we get everyone settled at Jena's. Arrived safe and sound, just a short half hour trip, though we stopped at Waffle House for breakfast just because we had enough time for a sit-down breakfast. Arrived just before 11:00, got everyone settled, ran out to do some shopping for oats and dog food, among other things, chatted for awhile with the family, then relaxed for the evening. Our flight isn't until late afternoon, so we plan to sleep late and pack in the morning, if that's at all possible! The dogs jumped right back into the pack of dogs that are here, I'm so glad they all get along so well. I notice Billy is a lot less pushy, obviously because he's so outnumbered, but that's a good things, it puts him on his best behavior. The horses weren't too thrilled to be back, as there's no real grass in the paddock, and the paddock next door has a bunch of horses in it, and by the end of the day, Clio had some scratches on her face and head, which I promptly treated with Vetermicyn. Don't know that the tussle was about, or with whom, but it seemed to have been sorted out by the end of the day. Went to bed early, knowing tomorrow would be a long, long day.

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