Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, Sept. 13, 2013 - Rainy Day

Had to get up during the night a pull the main awning in a bit because of the wind, even though we had a few bouts of light rain which we were afraid were going to ruin the bale of hay we had put under the awning before I took the truck out yesterday. It didn't, fortunately, because it didn't rain that hard, but it looked like it was going to be a rainy, cool, blustery day. We actually slept later than we have in a long, thankfully, then got up and took care of the horses. There's been some very serious flooding in next door Colorado, and that storm is heading in our direction, so it looks like today is another day we won't ride. Good time to get caught up on my blog and bookkeeping! Spent some time chatting with our neighbors, two sisters named Fran and Patty who were from Colorado, and so were interested in hearing about the flooding back home. We invited them in to have hot cocoa with us, and later to watch an old James Bond movie, since their horse trailer wasn't quite as comfy-cozy as our big RV, and they certainly didn't have any TV. They cuddled up on big dog bed with Billy, and spent the evening with us. A very pleasant end to the day!

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