Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010 - Vet Stop and Travel Day
Though we had alarm set for 7:00 we got up at 6:00, because we both woke up worried about all the problems we had to solve today. Was loaded up and ready to go by the time Lena arrived at a bit before 8, then we headed out as soon as we could. The horses were a bit reluctant to get in the trailer, understandable after they spent so many hours in the trailer yesterday. Once in, we headed straight to the Kinslow Animal Clinic just up the road, where I had arranged to get Coggins Tests done on the horses, as their 6 month passports are due to expire in May. That was done relatively quickly, then we moved on to the tire store that I had found, that actually did have the tires we needed in stock. We bought two, one to replace the blowout, and one to replace our sturdy spare, because it was still a D load eight ply tire. We had the oldest and only remaining tire that we bought just a year ago put under the RV as a spare, so now we have all new tires, albeit not all the same brand. We then went to Wal-mart to shop, and the liquor store, then the gas station, so all we had left to do was to get to Natchez Trace State Park in Wilderness, TN, about 30 miles east of Jackson. We planned a short trip, because we knew we would be delayed with all the running around we had to do. We left Lebanon feeling much more confident that we had done all that could be done to prepare for our cross country trip. We arrived at Natchez good and early, by three-ish, and walked around to find a good spot, finding a place where we could get a satellite signal and have enough length to fit in both vehicles. Got the horses on a nice long high line, then settled in for the evening.