Decided to take the long way around, via I-5, because we were concerned about the Forest Road being gravel, and didn't want to travel 70 miles on gravel, and also because we had some shopping to do. Stopped in the city of Longwood to do that, then traveled (with some construction delays) to the little speck on the map called Cougar. Fortunately, the gas station there had a water spigot outside, so we were able to fill up before backtracking to the horse camp (just a mile out of the way). We were pleasantly surprised to find that the road to Kalama Horse Camp was completely paved the entire 8 miles, making it a very easy journey. After touring the camp, we decided on site 24, as it was large enough and right next to one of only two water supplies (non-potable, for the horses only). Every site had corrals and was nicely wooded, though ours had enough clearance for Hubby to get a satellite signal. It wasn't exactly level though, so after some discussion, Hubby decided to unhook the RV from the van to make it more level. In doing so, he discovered that one of the two huge bolts that attached the trailer hitch to the van had sheared off completely. It was a wonder on the windy twisty road up here, we didn't lose the trailer entirely! Thank goodness we noticed it before reaching US 101 (the Pacific Coast Highway), one of the twistiest roads with the sheerest drops around! That meant our schedule for tomorrow wouldn't include a ride, unfortunately, but maintenance is a must to keep things safe.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010 - Drive Day to Kalama Horse Camp, WA
Decided to take the long way around, via I-5, because we were concerned about the Forest Road being gravel, and didn't want to travel 70 miles on gravel, and also because we had some shopping to do. Stopped in the city of Longwood to do that, then traveled (with some construction delays) to the little speck on the map called Cougar. Fortunately, the gas station there had a water spigot outside, so we were able to fill up before backtracking to the horse camp (just a mile out of the way). We were pleasantly surprised to find that the road to Kalama Horse Camp was completely paved the entire 8 miles, making it a very easy journey. After touring the camp, we decided on site 24, as it was large enough and right next to one of only two water supplies (non-potable, for the horses only). Every site had corrals and was nicely wooded, though ours had enough clearance for Hubby to get a satellite signal. It wasn't exactly level though, so after some discussion, Hubby decided to unhook the RV from the van to make it more level. In doing so, he discovered that one of the two huge bolts that attached the trailer hitch to the van had sheared off completely. It was a wonder on the windy twisty road up here, we didn't lose the trailer entirely! Thank goodness we noticed it before reaching US 101 (the Pacific Coast Highway), one of the twistiest roads with the sheerest drops around! That meant our schedule for tomorrow wouldn't include a ride, unfortunately, but maintenance is a must to keep things safe.