Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - Winging our Way to Costa Rica!!

The day started early, first by hearing my brother’s truck start up at 5:30 in the morning to take my other brother to the airport for his early morning flight back to Austin. Sleep was fitful, no doubt because of the anticipation of our trip. Up early, finished packing, fed the horses (though we both twisted our respected backs doing it, unfortunately), drove to Miami for our flight to Costa Rica. Left right on time at 3:00, arrived on a bumpy landing (there was a very stiff wind swirling around) around 4:40 local time, breezed through immigration and customs before meeting up with Paolo, our driver and guide for at least the first part of our journey. He took us to our hotel (Hotel Beaugonvillea), which was not the hotel we thought we were going to (El Rodeo near the airport), but it turned out to be very nice, so no worries. We got a lovely corner room with a balcony looking south towards the city of San Jose, though if we had know we would have requested something overlooking the garden to the north, but it was still nice nevertheless. Had a nice glass of Argentine wine in the bar before heading to the restaurant for a fabulous dinner, steak with mushroom sauce for me, salmon for Hubby, delicious! We were both thoroughly exhausted by the long day, and crashed early once we got back to the room.

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