Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010 - Work, Play, Anniversary

Slept till after 10:30, missing the hotel breakfast, so instead we just had coffee in the room and leisurely prepared to meet our client. Left the hotel and walked to the nearby Metro station, grabbing some breakfast on the way. Didn't realize Dunkin Donuts had a full breakfast menu these days! Arrived in plenty of time, worked with our client until nearly 6:00, then met an old friend at the nearby Thai restaurant we love so much. It was a special occasion, as Hubby and I were celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary. Coincidentally, our friend's parent's (now deceased) anniversary was the same day, so we had a lovely evening all around After dinner we came back to Crystal City for a nightcap, then kindly dropped us off at the hotel. We were exhausted, but truly enjoyed ourselves. Now a good night sleep, hoping tomorrow's airport day goes a little more smoothly than yesterday's!