Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - Ride Day in Pike National Forest

Drove over to the non-equestrian campground to look for a kiosk with a trail map, didn't find one, but did find a camp host who provided me with a map. We saddled up and headed out, planning on taking the shortest loop, about 7-8 miles, just to get back into the swing of things. The trail was mostly dirt, but had some sections of stones and rocks. Some areas were very narrow, with new spring growth practically overtaking the trail, while others were forest roads. One section was more like a creek bed, with water flowing down it almost the entire way, and some sections were pretty steep. A beautiful view at the top just before heading back down to the campground. A very pleasant 3-hour ride, trails were pretty well-marked, and we all enjoyed it very much. No crashes, no problems, always a good day when that happens! After we got back, we had a visit from the two girls, asking if we could spare some dog food for their puppy's dinner. Apparently some critter had gotten into their stash and ate it all, so we gladly gave them a container full, which they returned, with leftovers, after dinner was done. Sweet girls, I hope they realize how lucky they are to be around horses and dogs in their young lives!