Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010 - Work Day

Made reservations for our flight from Spokane the week after next, checked out hotels, with the eternal debate of "do we stay out by the airport or do we stay closed to the Capitol." Found half a dozen stables near the Spokane airport, I'll need to call them next week if I don't hear from my friends in Spokane as to whether they have a friend with a farm (the ideal solution, in my book:-). The ranger I spoke with about this campground last week stopped by to say hello today, asked if we would change the horses' highline everyday to so they wouldn't kill the grass. Funny, I thought they would have preferred to limit the damage to one area, but, whatever... We asked him about the least rocky trail, and he said that would probably be one that started in the opposite direction than the one our neighbor had recommended yesterday. Oh well, we'll decide tomorrow. Spent most of the day working on the computer, planning the (new) next stage of our journey.