Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010 - A Rest Day

Slept later than we've been able to, had a good night sleep, but Hubby had a bit of a sore throat, so he took a Tylenol and went back to bed. I got up and took care of the horses, then we had breakfast and watched a few morning shows. I worked on my blog for a good part of the afternoon, (which has been getting more and more behind. I haven't sorted through my pix in so long I'm likely to not recognize them when I download them!), while Hubby watched TV. We're both hoping to be fully recovered and to get a ride in tomorrow. We've more or less planned to stay here until Wednesday, then move up to the Grand Canyon, which is now only a few hours away. We've found out where to camp in the Kaibab National Forest, and pretty much where the trails are, so we'll probably stay there until next Monday, when we'll head out to Colorado. At least, that's the plan for now!