Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010 - Travel Day Back to Colorado

After three very production though exhausting days in Dallas, we slept pretty late, checking out a bit after noon, getting picked up again by the client's town car and getting to the airport in plenty of time to catch our flight. It's a pretty short hop from Dallas to Colorado Springs, so we were in by 3:45 pm. Picked up our delighted and delightfully happy dogs from the kennel, which had done such a nice job the dogs didn't even have that telltale kennel smell they usually pick up, then took a quick side trip to pick up some food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Back in Arizona, we had met a man in the Prescott National Forest who had lent us a book about all of the health benefits of drinking a weak solution of food-grade hydrogen peroxide, and I had done some research afterward that seemed to indicate it could be very beneficial. The basic principle makes enough sense for us to at least try it. Hydrogen peroxide is the chemical compound H2O2, or water with an extra oxygen molecule. By adding it to distilled water in the proper mixture (which is VERY important, because it can be toxic and fatal otherwise), you can actually imbibe your system with extra oxygen. The theory being that most bacterias, viruses and diseases, including cancer, begin in an anaerobic environment. Think of a stagnant pond. It breeds all kinds of nasty stuff when there isn't enough oxygen. As Hubby has a rather chronic mild breathing trouble occasionally, especially when we're at high altitudes, we decided it was worth a try. The guy in Arizona swore by it. He said he'd been on it just three months, and his arthritis had improved markedly, his knee surgery had healed much faster than his doctor's had predicted, and he had cut back his insulin use (he was a diabetic) in half. There were many other testimonials on line, and almost no disparaging remarks, or even heavy sales pitches. The consensus seems to be that it's a miracle cure that the medical community doesn't want anyone to know about because it would ruin the pharmaceutical and physician market. Anyway, I found a man in Colorado Springs who happened to sell it, and who was able to meet with us on short notice. He, too, praised all of the health benefits, and he certainly looked like a very fit 82 years old, after having spent his life working in a steel mill. He's spent his retirement looking for health products that would purge his system of all the poisons he encountered during this working years, and admitted he'd tried a lot of misguided crap, but after thirty years, his regime included a large dose of H2O2 water. Anyway, we bought a gallon of 3% solution and moved on, stopping at Wal-mart, a gas station, and a Sonic (first and last time we'll do that) before heading out. Got back to the ranch at almost 8:00, quickly crashing from all the energy we had expended, but not before we fed the horses, as they had just about (but not quite!) run out of hay.