Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011 - Dog Wash Day

Every year, the local no-kill animal shelter has a celebrity Dog Wash Day, which they hold down at Carlin Park. There are festivities all day, bands, vendors, inflatable playgrounds for the kids, and a major concert in the evening. This year, the main event was Grand Funk Railroad. We decided to make this Hubby's birthday gift, so we headed out in the afternoon to spend the rare day just with our dogs. We wandered the vendors, got the dogs washed by some local radio personalities, then settled down in the shade by a lake for a while. Hubby even took a nap, it was such a lovely day. The dogs settled down with us. As usual, Marina, the golden lab mix, took everything in her stride, though little Billy was quite intimidated by all the dogs and activity. He still did his best to make friends with every human he met, but he was doing his best to avoid the dogs. I think that's because my brother's dog and he got off on the wrong foot, getting in a tussle that ended with Billy unhappily on his back (not where he usually ends up, usually he gets even big dogs to back off, but his Napoleon act didn't work this time), so now he's generally skittish around other dogs. Probably a good thing, considering his attitude. After a while he settled down, but he still spent the day pretending he didn't see any other dogs around. Several bands of dubious quality played throughout the afternoon, but GFR was excellent. That drummer sure can play! We listened to all the golden oldies, Locomotion, Closer to Home, We're an American Band, plus some lesser recognizable stuff that was still very enjoyable. Even Hubby liked it, even though he's more from the swing era than the rock era. Anyway, we headed out just before the concert ended at 9:00, have thoroughly enjoyed the day. It's not everyday you can attend a rock concert with your dogs!