Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011 - Ride Day at J.W. Corbett WMA

Decided to take Brother out to ride at nearby JW Corbett WMA, a place where he ordinarily visits in a swamp buggy, but it's been so dry this year there's not much swamp out there at the moment. We followed the map I downloaded to Camp area C, got saddled up and headed out. It was a late start, as Brother had some chores to do in the morning, so it was mid-afternoon by the time we got on the trail. Well, "trail" is a bit of a misnomer. Apparently the trail that the map showed was actually the main multi-use road that the swamp buggies and ATVs used, and it was very wide and very deep sugar sand that had obviously had a lot of tire use. We skirted along the side for a while until we saw a less used, unmarked road off to the left. It seems that there are many, many trails back here, none of which are marked or on the map, and are just simply tracks left behind by more adventurous motorized vehicles. Not having a marked trail to follow always causes me more worries, always having to be aware of which direction we were going and how to get back as the trails meandered, crossed other trails, and generally wandered with no real destination in mind. I generally kept us going south from the main trail and east toward the main road so that those were our boundaries, knowing that when we got ready to turn around (I had given up any hope of following the original loop trail I had planned from the map that morning), we would be able to find our way back. Brother is not really an equestrian, though he's owned horses in the past, more for his ex-wife and stepdaughter than himself, though he likes to ride. Doesn't even know how to post, if that gives you any idea. He was sure to bring along an ample supply of beer and other inebriating sundries, so I had to be especially diligent in watching over him and Clio. Fortunately, he's so out of shape and still somewhat sore from our long ride last Sunday, he was ready to turn around after about an hour and a quarter and a couple of breaks. He thoroughly enjoyed himself, but I found it to be one of the most unattractive rides I've ever done. I know for sure Hubby wouldn't have liked it either, so we can cross this one off the list for future rides. I'll have to take Brother out to Dupuis and show him what a REAL horse trail is supposed to be like. Anyway, he thoroughly enjoyed himself, which was the important thing anyway. After we got back and loaded up the horses, we discovered a flat tire on the trailer, so we had to get out the generator and the air compressor and fill it up enough to get us home, which took about 10 minutes. It held until we got home, but that gives us another chore to do tomorrow!

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