Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011 - May Day Ride

Didn’t sleep quite as well last night, but still didn’t suffer any shortage of rest, staying in bed until after 10:00. After brunch, we saddled up again to check out some more trails, trying to finish up all the ones we’ve missed so far, albeit they are fairly short ones. Once again enjoyed the trails and the footing and the cantering. Hubby tried shortening one stirrup a bit yesterday (I had commented that he looked like he was leaning to one side the other day) and that seemed to help, but then he felt lopsided on the other side, so today he shortened the other stirrup, and for the first time he said he felt comfortable and secure at the canter. That’s the trouble with a lot of western wannabees, they think that cowboys all had long straight legs, but if they look more closely they would discover that’s not true (except when they’re galloping at top speed and preparing for a sudden stop, in which case, straight legs help). Anyway, it was a lovely short ride, about 90 minutes, after which the horses took their usual afternoon nap while we settled down for the evening. Big drive day tomorrow, with some possible rain in the forecast, so we’re planning on getting up and out of here early.

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