Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011 - Travel Day to Victor, NY, and First Reunion Events

Got up with the alarm early, finished packing up and saying our goodbyes to Greg and Julie before heading up the road. Arrived at the Denny’s in Canandaigua with perfect timing, just finishing our breakfast in time for my conference call with a client, then headed up the road to the waste water treatment plant to dump the RV, then arrived just a touch later than expected at my dear old friend Mary’s house, who I’ve known since I was 2 ½ years old, though we haven’t kept in touch the way we should have. Nevertheless, she and her husband welcomed us, and had arranged for her next door neighbor to put our horses in an extra paddock she had, and we had a wonderful lunch and a great afternoon of catching up. Eventually we had to start getting ready for tonight, two gatherings at two pubs, one with a cross-class group that was my main "clique" as it were, on one side of the Erie Canal, and the second with just the ‘76ers on the other side of the canal (though in the end, they all merged anyway). It was a fantastic time! Lots of squealing and hugging and all the best things you’d expect at a reunion. Lots of folks came from a long way away, and it was great. It’s true what they say, it was like we had all been together just yesterday. How can 35 years feel like that? But it did. We stayed up way past our bedtime, and still felt great when we got back at nearly 2:00 am. Hope we sleep late in the morning!

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