Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 - Doctor’s/Vet Day

In the last day or so, little Billy dog has suddenly had some serious pain in his back, so much so that he can hardly walk. We made an appointment with a local Vet (Pittsford Animal Hospital) and took him over there today. Doc says he thinks it might be a spine problem, something typical in a low, long dog. He also said it might be a soft tissue strain of some kind, which I think is more likely. Chances are he climbed up on the kitchen table, then when he heard us coming he leaped to the ground, probably slipping on the way down and landing wrong. At least that’s what I hope it is. Doc prescribed several drugs, pain killers, an anti-inflammatory and an anti-spasmodic. We left with instructions to try to keep him quiet for awhile, which shouldn’t be too hard since he’s in so much pain he’s barely moving right now. Keeping our fingers crossed he’ll be okay! Meanwhile, we had doctor’s appointments of our own. Hubby’s been experiencing some back problems, and I’m still having some problems with my shoulder, so we figured as long as we were going to be here for awhile, we should try to get them straightened out. Made appointments at the Pittsford Chiropractic Clinic, and we both got an adjustment and a few other treatments there. Left feeling a bit better, and with continuing appointments while we’re in the area.

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