Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011 - Travel Day to Wharton SF-HUGE disappointment!

Weather was fine and travel was good, right up until we arrived in the vicinity of the "horse camp" in Wharton State Forest. The "road" that turned off the tarmac was more like a sandy trail, lots of low branches and deep sand that had me greatly worried about being able to get in and out. Hubby tried to scope it out with the horse trailer, and ended up getting stuck twice, so that obviously wasn’t going to work! We persuaded the ranger to let us stay in the day parking area across the street for the night, which had easy access and would have been the perfect campsite except there was no water, and they were adamant we could only stay the one night because it was an emergency. Very disappointing, we were really looking forward to this place! Not sure where we can go now. Yet another challenge!

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