Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011 - Rain/Snow/Sick Awful Day

Woke up feeling under the weather today, and the weather was pretty awful to be under. It rained and snowed off and on most of the day, cold and damp all around. My head felt like it does after a long fever has broken, that kind of achy, shrinking feeling, except I haven’t had a fever. I have a dry cough and apparently some chest congestion, though no sore throat, no runny nose, none of the usual stuff a cold starts with, so this is weird. My eyese seemed a bit senstive to light, too, which I can’t remember ever happening before. Let myself sleep late, got up long enough for breakfast and went back to sleep for most of the afternoon. Had dinner and spent the evening watching TV, but was ready for bed. Not looking too good right now.

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