Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012 - Travel Day to Brookfield Trails, NY

Headed out by 9:00, with a stop at the dump near the ranger station, which took some maneuvering because of the tight circle, but we managed, as always. Grabbed breakfast at McDonalds (I had forgotten they do a decent egg and cheese bagel), stopped at a Tractor Supply for oats, another quick stop for brandy, then found our way to the Moscow Hill horse camp, one of the Brookfield trailheads. A bit dismayed to discover that the only water here is a hand pump, but some folks across the street were kind enough to let us fill up the RV so we didn’t have to struggle with that. Still a pain to water the horses. Hard to believe how often this place has been recommended, with no one mentioning the water limitations. Anyway, no one was here, so we spread out, found a good spot near the lower corral where Hubby could find a satellite signal and settled in.

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