Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012 - Pick up Hearing Aid

The day we’ve been waiting for has arrived! Hubby was jumping up and down like a kid in anticipation of getting his hearing aid. I worked on the computer until it was time to go, then we headed up to Costco in Dedham, MA, where Rick finished his fitting and showed him all the features of his new ears, including warnings that all the new sounds are likely going to make him dizzy (which they did). He was so thrilled, though, as I am. For the first time in a long time, I don’t have to yell at him just to have a conversation, and during the evening, the volume on the TV was so low that I was having trouble hearing it! Love it! He knew his ears were getting bad, he just didn’t realize how bad. What a relief! Off to bed, looking forward to sleeping late and putting some more deposits in our sleep bank.

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