Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012 - Flight to Tampa

Finished packing in the morning, taxi to airport, flight on Southwest in the late afternoon. FROZE!!!! I kept getting colder and colder, and they had no blankets, and no matter how many times I asked the flight attendant essentially ignored me, then the landing was delayed because of weather. I spent the last hour of the flight curled into fetal position trying to stay warm, but by then I was shivering so bad, a deep down to the bone chill that felt like my connective tissues literally disconnected from the bones. It was horrible, and I knew I was going to end up getting sick, just what we didn’t need for the next 10 days!! It’s crazy, flying from 80 degree weather to 90 degree weather, and catching a cold because the flight was about 55 degrees (though honestly, it felt even colder than that!) It was raining when we landed, the airport was freezing so I couldn’t get warmed up, raining when we got into our car service, though I managed to talk the driver into taking off the air condition, freezing in every store we stopped in on our way to the hotel (welcome to Florida in August, where the indoor temperature is so cold that if it were that temperature up north, someone would put the heat on!), and finally freezing in the hotel lobby when we checked in. I couldn’t warm up for the life of me! Finally, we got checked into our room, which had a lovely balcony overlooking the river, so I opened the patio door and sat outside where I FINALLY was able to get a bit warmed up. I knew it was too late, though, and one of the stops was a drug store for some cold medicine, because I knew I was going to get sick. We ended up ordering room service because we knew the restaurant would be too cold, a nice bowl of stew was just the thing! Comfy room, we got a pretty good night sleep.

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