Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010 - First ride in Osceola National Forest

At last, a day when the morning is warmer (although the horses are still breathing "fire"), but the smoke is minimal! As the temps warmed up, the smoke dissipated almost completely (Yeah!), but Hubby had to run into town to stock up on gasoline for the generator and to fill another propane tank that had run dry with all the heating we were having to do. On his return, a quick lunch, and FINALLY!!! A RIDE! Because it had been so long since we had ridden, we opted for the shortest trail, the green trail, advertised as "mostly on roads" and only five miles long, perfect for just stretching our legs. We set out down the straight flat hard sand packed road (no boots necessary!), heading north, doing our best to follow the map. We soon missed a turn, because I thought it was all on forest roads, and we never saw the trail marker. We assumed it was obscured or destoyed by the recent fires (as the area we were traveling was all along the firebreak line, one side green, the other black and ash), and we didn't really want to follow a trail through the burnt part of the forest anyway (it was still smoldering in some hot spots!), so we ended up briefly lost. The two vehicles we stopped were no help, so we ended up just retracing our steps back to the West Tower. A little over two hours, probably more like 6 or 7 miles, but because it was so long and straight we got a lot of trotting and cantering in.

SO happy we finally got to ride, and the horses were equally happy to do ANYTHING but be tied to a highline! A much longer ride is scheduled for tomorrow!

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