Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011 - Travel Prep/Paperwork Day

Last week, a new client had contacted us about coming to Jacksonville, FL to work with him, and we finally settled on this week, flying Tuesday, working Wed/Thurs, flying back Friday. It meant missing spending more time with the family, but we can’t turn work down, and we had sort of planned on leaving here midweek anyway, so it didn’t really matter. They’ve been taking great care of the horses and dogs while we’ve been here, so we figured it was best to just fly out of Rochester again. Spend the day finalizing the travel plans and getting ready to leave. We also discovered that despite our putting dogs on flea and heartworm treatment, the fleas had run rampant again, so we had to again wash the dogs and vacuum the carpet. Everything’s so damp, we’ve had a lot of rain lately, and we’re listing slightly to one side, so there’s a bit of water sneaking in around the slide-outs in the RV, which is making everything seem damper than usual. Anyway, we finally got done around 7:00, mostly packed and ready to go except the last minute things. My oldest brother is flying out tomorrow too, so we’ve arranged to have him come down to the farm at 8:00 in the morning, and ride with us the rest of the way, which will save my youngest brother from having to drive an extra 40 minutes each way. Finally got to bed around 11:00, after watching an old Randolph Scott western, which is always a good thing!

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